Shadden Standing Rule
To encourage travel and high caliber competition for youth racing in Southern California at the major bays for the Club Flying Junior double‑handed dinghy.
Sponsor and Rules
- SCYYRA is the title sponsor of the series.
- Individual clubs will host each regatta. Sailing instructions, protest decisions, and official results of each host club shall be used as a basis to score.
- US Sailing and specific class rules (including membership requirements) shall apply to all races unless otherwise noted in particular race instructions.
- The Series is open to junior sailors under the age of 19 and who have not yet entered college. To be eligible for the SCYYRA Shadden Series Perpetual Trophy participants must be members of a current SCYYRA organization.
- A participant must enter each separate regatta in the series with the individual host club.
- To enter the Series, participants must complete the Series entry form on (for ease of entry please use the Chrome browser)
- A participant may enter the series at the first, second, or third scheduled regatta but no later than the close of registration at the third regatta.
- There will be a $20 SCYYRA Series Sanctioning Fee per regatta that will be added onto each regatta’s entry fee. The entry fee includes series trophies and a series souvenir for each skipper and crew. Series souvenirs are only guaranteed for series competitors who have entered the series by the close of registration for the second regatta.
The Series
The series will consist of up to four scheduled regattas when possible during the school year (Sept ‑ June).
- The Shadden Perpetual trophy shall be awarded at the end of the last event of the series to the team who has the lowest cumulative point score for the scheduled regatta using the scoring system explained below.
- The Perpetual Trophy shall be kept at the United States Sailing Center Long Beach (USSCLB) or at a place determined by the SCYYRA Board of Directors. The names of the winning helmsman and crew shall be engraved on the trophy.
- Take home trophies shall be awarded to the top number of finishers in the series.
- Shadden Series scoring shall be based on the official results of each race tabulated only against other Shadden Series entrants.
- Shadden Series scoring shall be in accordance with US Sailing Appendix A9.
- For the Shadden Series a DNC is defined as not registering for a Shadden Regatta and shall be scored the number of entries in the Shadden Series plus one.
- Ties will be broken using US SAILING Appendix A. If a tie still exists, the winner shall be the yacht ahead in the final race that the two participating yachts both started.
- Throwout races will be incorporated into the series scoring with the following formulas:
- If 14-15 races are completed, there will be 1 throwout
- If 16-17 races are completed, there will be 2 throwouts
- If 18-19 races are completed, there will be 3 throwouts
- If 20 or more races are sailed, there will be 4 throwouts
Modified August 2023